Our Technologies & Screens

Our slogan, “We Dont Guess, We Measure” was born through our pursuit to create personalised programmes for each student in each of these three areas of performance.

Golf is an emotionally dominated sport not only when competing, but also when practising where patience and discipline are essential to successful progress and if not monitored can be sabotaging. By creating personalised programmes from information gathered from Physical Screens, Technical Data Collections and Mental Performance Assessments we remove the guesswork and emotions and can move forward using facts, logic and quantifiable clarity with a clear direction.

So what Screens and Technologies do we utilise?


Smart2Move 3D Force Plates

Sportsbox AI


4 Camera V1 High Speed Motion Capture

SAM PuttLab

FocusCalm NeuroFeedback Headbands


Kinetix Physical Limitation Screen

We all have physical limitations, regardless of how young and fit we think we are. These limitations can be caused by lifestyle, muscular imbalances, growth stage, previous injuries, genetics and more. It’s essential to identify these limitations and to understand if they are permanent or removable.

The Kinetix physical screen involves a series of movement tests which challenge the movement quality and efficiency of every joint in the body, exposing the Mobility-Stability Model. The results of this screen provide the blueprint for the initial training programme to reduce the risk of injury and optimise technical improvements.

Bio-Swing Dynamics (Anatomical) Screen

There is no one perfect swing, as displayed perfectly by professional golf tours around the world. Each player’s swing is unique with everything from their grip, posture, pivot, arm plane and numerous other variables, but how do we know what is right for each individual?

Through a series of 7 tests we can identify an individual’s Pre-Disposed Movement patterns (how their body is biased to move), vital information that forms the fundamentals and DNA of an individuals golf swing.


M: info@jasonfloydgolfacademy.com
T: +34 607 042 134

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